I loved you then, I love you now, Always have, Always Will

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day #10

day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

I listen to soo many songs that this is going to be hard!! Happy songs really are anything not slow..

sad songs consist of- The Dance Garth Brooks.. I Lost It Kenny Chesney.. Living For the Night George Strait, etc.. Mainly country songs!!

I Listen to sooo many songs though a few of my favs right now "Teach me How to Dougie" "Not Afraid" "Beautiful" "Raise your Glass" "Just a Dream" :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day #9

day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days

I already posted a blog about this. But I am super proud of getting a 4.0 this semester! It took a lot of hard work and it definitely paid off :)!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day #7 & #8

day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

To Be honest I can't really put a picture of everyone who has impacted my life. Really anyone that is in my life or ever has been has impacted my life.. Just a few: everyone in my family especially my parents, my friends, people I have dated, etc. They have all impacted my life so much, and have made me who I am today!

day 8- short term goals for this month and why

Some short term goals for this month was when I finished finals to have a worry free break! I have been doing pretty good at this; although, I always find something to stress about!! Also, get everything ready for the new semester which I need to do ASAP beings how there is only a week left of my break :( SADDDD DAYYYY!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day #6

day 6- favorite super hero and why

I think this man counts as a superhero.. Well in my book anyways. MY DAD! This man is truly my best friend. He knows me better than anyone else and he can tell how I am feeling- even when I try to hide it! I love him more than anything- and I hope I can be half the person he is someday! I don't know what I would do without him!! Thanks for everything dad! Love you!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day #5

day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been to
California is one place I have been! California adventures, Disneyland, Knottsberry Farm, Univeral Studios, etc! LOVE IT

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day #4

day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have

Stress will be the death of me. I stress about EVERYTHING! And When I say that I am not kididng. My dad always tells me "You stress about not having anything to stress about!" This is so true. I always worry about everything- even the smallest things. I need to get better at this! ;) I am trying haha! Hopefully I will get better, but I Highly doubt it lol!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4.0 BABY!

So I just thought I would do a quick post about school! This semester was my first one in the Education Program! It was so time consuming and definitely the hardest semester I have ever taken! But I LOVED EVERY SECOND! There were times when I asked myself what the heck I was doing, but deep down I really loved learning everything I did. I absolutely loved field, and I know I have chosen the right major for me!!

After all the time, effort, tears, hardwork-- it paid off! I just received my grades and they were all A's!

4.0 BABY!!! I am so excited and so proud of myself for sticking with it. 7 classes and 16 credit hours!!
i made it!!- and can't wait til next semester!!!

Day #3

day 3- a picture of you and your friends

Top- Kelsi and I.. This girl and I go way back. She truly is an amazing person! She has been my best friend for a long time, and I dunno what I would do without her!
Middle- Bainter and I. This kid and I have been friends since we were 12, but just recently started hanging out lots again. He seriously is an inspiration to me! He is one of the strongest kids I know. He always knows how to make everyone laugh. He is so caring, and that is why I love him! :)
Middle- Lacey Lu and I. We met through friends, and ever since our first road trip together we have been best friends. She is amazing! She is always so willing to help and to listen no matter what! Thanks for everything Lace! Love you!
Bottom- Suz and I met at UVU. We were in the same math class and at the time had the same major. Ever since then we have been best friends, and she is AMAZING!!! Thanks for everything Suz, love you!!
I know I have missed adding a lot of friends on here! I just added some of the first photos I found- and I am too lazy to add more! I love all of my friends, and I am truly blessed! Thanks for everything ;)! Love you all!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How did I get SO lucky?!

Today is one of those days where I have been just sitting around thinking- Why you ask? Probably because there is like 3 feet of snow outside, my car is covered, and really I have nothing else to do today (:

Have you ever just asked yourself "How did I get so lucky?"

Today, I have been asking myself this question- I have amazing friends, an amazing family, higher education, going into a major I love, etc.....

Its just a thought I had today! I love feeling this way- and truly life is going so great right now.. I have had kind of a rough month- with a lot of trials putting me to the test but ya know I can't complain. Those times truly are making me a better person and Look they only led to GREAT times..

I am thankful for everything in my life-- including those reading my blog!!! (:


Day #2

day 2- the meaning behind your blog name

Well there is really no name on my blog besides Happy Holidays & Crissa Lee.. Happy Holidays- because its the holidays (: haha and Crissa Lee- because that's me (:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day #1

day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I love to read-- When I start reading a book I won't stop until it is finished so I have to make sure I am going to have plenty of time to read all of it.

2. I love getting my nails done-- it makes me feel more like a woman haha

3. I love going to the sand dunes

4.I love my nephew-- he is the greatest thing ever!

5. I love feeling accomplished.

6. I would do anything for anybody.

7. I have a hard time holding grudges. I hate being enemies with people so instead of making things worse I always seem to let things go too easily.. This is a good/bad thing.

8. I love my life right now- I am so happy!

9. I love teaching-- field has made me realize how much I can't wait to be a teacher. I know I will love my job!

10. I love my friends!!

11. I love my family!

12. I love laughing and smiling!!! It is the absolute best!!

13. I really love hunting-- this was my first year and I truly did have a blast-- even if I did complain about all the hiking! haha

14. I love being the only girl in my family!!

15. I am grateful for all the trials and good things in my life.. I know the trials suck sometimes- but overall they have helped me be a better person & without them I wouldn't be where I am today!

30 Day Challenge!

The 30 day experiment! (:
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you love.
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- your last five facebook status'
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- your favorite song

Here it goes (:
